
Friday, May 13, 2011

Death And Taxes

The word is out that Bank of America, and GE did not pay any thing in taxes for 2010. Then There is the 16 profitable companies that paid less than 5 percent in taxes from Red Hat which made 463 million before taxes , and paid 21 million (4.62%) in taxes to Range Resource Corporation which made 1 billion 228 million before taxes, and paid 7 million (0.53%) in taxes. In fact 115 companies on the S&P 500 paid less than 20 percent in taxes. Of course you have those lovable economy buster companies like AIG and Citigroup which received more in tax credits than they actually paid in taxes. So you, the average American paid more of a percentage in taxes than all these companies did. Its nice to know that some of the companies we bailed out are screwing us again by not paying their fair share in taxes. It definantly not helping out the national deficit any.

Who can blame these companies though? Our government lets them get away with this nonsense, and actually puts policies in place so they can do it. We the people, the geniuses we are keep voting for these fat cat politicians who take money from these companies so they can get reelected. Yet are schools, infrastructure, and workforce go by the way side so we can fight in 3 wars and repeat the cycle all over again in the next elections. So lets get real our tax system is rigged, our political system is rigged, and most people who vote have no clue to why they are voting for that person. Well except for the fact that most people vote for the person who believes in the same social issues as them, like religion, abortion and gay marriage.

Here is a simple solution to this chaotic mess we are in. Corporations, its OK to make 300 million dollars instead of 500 million, or instead of making 2 billion dollars you make 1.3 billion. You guys are blessed to be in the position you are in. I am sure most of these corporations deserve every penny that they make from the hard work, and dedication they put in each and every day. Any good company should know that the bigger you are the more responsibility you have towards this country. Its like a Lieutenant working his or her butt off to make General through out his or her career. Once he or she goes up in rank each time he or she faces more responsibility towards the troops to make their job easier so they can accomplish their missions. They wanted that role just as you guys wanted a big, and prosperous company. Its called a burden of being so successful at what you do. Pay your fair share of taxes. You can make some of your money back by not buying off campaigns. You are still going to be rich. Quit making it so hard for the average American who is the backbone of this country.When the backbone breaks you can't walk and if the average American can't walk all you are going to be left with is your money. You are not only hurting the average American but also small companies that actually need some tax breaks.

Politicians stop being bought. You have the great responsibility of shaping this countries future by passing laws that prevent corporations from using tax loopholes. Instead you allow them to buy you off to get elected and in exchange you give them their tax loopholes. It would be easy to say that we should pass a law that allows the people to impeach a politician who excepts bribes for their campaign in exchange for corporate tax loopholes. Since politicians are the ones who actually make the laws you would never get the majority of politicians to pass this law. What politicians can do is check the track record of these companies. If they are not paying their fair share of taxes don't except any money from these companies . If the politician does except the money everyone from the media to the other politician should hammer the politician in question for excepting bribes.

Finally people need to start voting for politicians who are actually going to do the best job. Why does a family who makes 40 thousand dollars a year vote for a politician who is going to get rid of unions like the Teachers Union. Not only that, but wants to end all collective bargaining rights for these types of unions. This is whats going on in Wisconsin right now. Just remember you get what you vote for. Just because you are a Democrat doesn't mean that the Democrat running for office has your best interests at heart. Then when people figure this out they will vote one politician out of office, and put one back in just like them just because they believe in the same religion as them. Its simple vote for the politician who has your best interests at heart not because they would be fun to have a beer with. If we don't start doing these things we will never get out of this deficit. The rich will keep getting richer, and the poor poorer. Isn't this is how the collapse of Rome started?

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